The Board of Infrasafe is fully committed to a policy if treating all people fairly. This applies to our employees, our customers, training and assessment candidates and members of the public for whom we provide a service. We welcome applications from all candidates and prospecive employees.
The Board is committed to the promotion of Equality and Diversity in employment. To that end we aim to ensure that no job applicant or employee receives less favourable treatment on the grounds of:
- Race
- Sex
- Pregnancy and maternity
- Marriage or civil partnership status
- Gender reassignment
- Disability
- Religion
- Age
- Sexual Orientation
We aim to:
- Comply with all Equality & Diversity Legislation including the Equality Act 2010
- Provide equal opportunities for training and promotion for all staff
- Make reasonable changes to working practices or arrangements that put disabled employees or job applicants at a substantial disadvantage
- Give equal pay to men and women who do similar or equivalent work
- Apply any disciplinary action fairly and consistently
Infrasafe recognises the diverse nature of society and its workforce and respects and values the differences each individual can bring to work. We actively encourage job applications from persons of all backgrounds and will actively circulate information on equality and diversity issues and legislation to employees.
The Board of Infrasafe will review this policy on, at least, an annual basis and when circumstances require it.