It is the policy of Infrasafe UK Limited to effectively manage its undertakings in such a way as to ensure the health, safety and well-being of its employees, contractors, sub contractors and others.
This will be achieved by compliance with the requirements of relevant European Directives, the Health and Safety at Work etc., Act 1974, and the most current construction and non-construction related legislation i.e. Construction (Design and Management) Regulations, Working at Height Regulations etc., and any relevant standards or best practice guidance notes. However, these standards and legislation will always be seen as the minimum to be achieved and we will strive to operate above and beyond those standards.
The Board of Directors is committed to ensuring that health and safety remains a high priority by the continuous development of its safety culture. To this end, they have appointed the Commercial Director as the nominated director ultimately responsible for health and safety.
Policy implementation is the responsibility of all Directors, especially the Commercial Director and Managing Director, who will oversee strategy and the day-to-day management of health and safety within the Company and advise the Board on strengths and weaknesses.
Compliance with the Health and Safety Policy and procedures is deemed as an absolute minimum and all employees are responsible for this and also for committing to continuous improvement.
Duties and responsibilities are clearly defined with policy and procedures to give all guidance and direction. All management and the Company’s Safety and Environmental Advisor will actively pursue legislative and policy compliance, as well as ensuring processes are in place for continuous improvement.
The Board recognises that continuous improvement will only come about by supporting the development of its safety culture. The procedures are in place to ensure that the policy remains a live document with continuous improvement initiatives being formalised, supported, carried out and reported upon.
The Company will provide the necessary information, instruction, training and supervision to all employees to ensure co-operation and compliance with the respective health and safety responsibilities defined within this policy.
Infrasafe has an external Safety and Environmental Advisor to assist and advise Directors, managers and employees in the management of health, safety and welfare. There are also mechanisms within the Company to ensure employee participation is encouraged and captured.
The Board recognises that employee participation is vital to achieve the high levels of performance expected and to aid continuous improvement and is committed to making sure this participation happens.
This Statement is reviewed on at least an annual basis and more frequently if circumstances require it.