Nobody likes to see unsightly litter or rubbish. Infrasafe offers a range of railway litter clearance options. With a ‘no bin’ security policy, our railway stations need constant and dedicated attention to ensure a clean and safe environment. Infrasafe's team of highly trained professionals offer a solution to this problem. We are a  RISQS accredited supplier of railway litter and railway scrap clearance services. Our operatives are PTS competent which allows us to extend our services to the track, clearing both trackside litter and obstructive and unsightly scrap quickly and with minimum disruption to operations.

Infrasafe also provides a full railway station cleaning service, using modern equipment and chemical-free solutions to service any application from chewing gum removal to heavy duty cleaning.

For all of your railway litter and scrap clearance requirements, please contact Brian Cairns at or on 0191 499 0024.